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DIY Hair Masks: Recipes for Stronger, Shinier Hair

2024-04-26 04:35:06
DIY Hair Masks: Recipes for Stronger, Shinier Hair

Children, kids believe me because you all are also going to go crazy by seeing DIY hair masks. It is quite enjoyable to make and it is something that will save your hair in no time. Hair should be cared properly for it to become strong, shiny and healthy; how about trying out a homemade hair treatment? Here are two trendy and simple recipes which may require only some of the simplest things on earth, then it’s a bouncy journey. So hit inbox and cheer. First of all, what is a mask? And loosen all you have to do next is educate your self-regarding what its industry and before getting anything ready employing a TV in the house. Hair masks by ZUNRONG would be something slightly different from the norm that will give those hairs strength and health. The best part is that most hair care products can be found in convenient stores including supermarkets. 


Well, we have news for you: they can easily be made at home - completely customizable to your specific needs. Fun is right here with us as we say this. Then finally, we come to the recipes. Now let’s start with making even stronger hair for yourself. 

Simple egg hair mask recipe

An egg hair mask could simply be made using one thing – eggs from home itself without having getting complicated. In order to do this, one egg will suffice while two tablespoons of olive oil would work well too. Start by cracking the egg into a bowl before introducing (adding) oil and mixing everything well until it forms an even mix. This hydrating hair mask can now be used on scalp and throughout towel-dried clean hairs afterwards. So keep my head under bath cap so as not let any air get inside. After 30 mins I wash my hairs with shampoo. Egg protein is good for your hairs thus strengthening them preventing breakage. Furthermore, I can tell you more about advantages of using olive oil on my head. 

An avocado and honey mask

Another interesting recipe to try at home is the following. It will require you to have a whole ripe large avocado and two table spoons of honey. Start by washing off the coconut avocado with red honey. In a bowl, mix all these ingredients together creating a cream that can be applied on hair obviously rinsed in warm water and then shampooed 20 minutes later. The presence of fatty oils in this oil makes it good for both hairs and scalps. It softens hairs and makes them look shinier healthier. 

Beer hair mask 

The last recipe I would like to share with you today is fairly different – beer hair masks. This time around, one can of beer should also be obtained along with an egg. In a small dish combine beer with eggs and stir the two ingredients until they are blended well. Put this mixture on your hair ensuring that every strand is covered. 

To begin with, beer made from hops and barley has a lot of benefits towards our hair. The important things to have in your diet for good hair growth are protein and vitamins which they have. And since egg is also rich in protein, it is an outstanding hair mask for repairing and smoothing hair when combined with beer that can be used for repairing and smoothing hair.